寶德電磁閥0331 burkert0331電磁閥標準供貨的黃銅閥體符合所有歐洲飲用水標準的要求。burkert0331電磁閥閥體材質還有不銹鋼(316L)、PVDF 和聚丙烯。burkert 0331電磁線圈采用耐化學腐蝕的環氧樹脂封裝。寶德0331電磁閥開關狀態可以通過位置反饋以二進制或 NAMUR 信號顯示。0331寶德電磁閥與 DIN EN 17301-803 A 型電纜插頭配套,
寶德電磁閥0331 burkert0331電磁閥特點:
寶德電磁閥0331 burkert0331電磁閥:
The 0331 valve is a direct-acting, mediaseparated pivoted armature valve. It is available in 3/2 and 2/2-way versions. As a 3/2-way version, it can be used as a distributor or mixing valve. Various diaphragm material combinations and methods of operation are available depending on the application. The standard brass housing satisfi es all European drinking water requirements. Stainless steel (316L), PVDF, polypropylene and PEEK housing versions complete the offering.
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