產品目錄首頁 > 產品目錄 > burkert電磁閥 > burkert電磁閥 > burkert 0124 C 00019078寶德電磁閥19078
burkert 0124 C 00019078寶德電磁閥19078

burkert 0124 C 00019078寶德電磁閥19078

型    號:
報    價:

burkert 0124 C 00019078寶德電磁閥19078是兩位三通防腐電磁閥
burkert 0124電磁閥直動式介質隔離電磁閥,Z大通徑 DN 5
burkert 0124 C 4.0 防震線圈
BURKERT 00019078手動開關結構堅固、使用方便

  • 產品描述

burkert 0124 C 00019078寶德電磁閥19078技術屬性:

Actuator typePivot 
Main valve operating principleGlobe valve 
Switch functionon/off 
Media separationYes 
Valve functionC - normally closed - inlet port 1 (P/NC), outlet port 2 (A/OUT) conectedwith exhaust port 3 (R/NO) 
Fluidic port connection number3 
Valve function number of switching positions2 
Valve function manual actuationYes 
Valve function manual actuation typeKey button 
Valve function manual actuation materialPA (Polyamide) 
Valve function manual actuation stopYes 
FlowBelow seat 
Nominal pressure min0bar
Nominal pressure max (liquid)5bar
Main valve orifice 1 (P) (mm)4mm
Main valve orifice 1 (inch)5/32 inch 
Main valve orifice 3 (R) (mm)4mm
Kv value (water)0.3m3/h
QNn value (gas)325l/min
Main valve wetted materialPVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride) 
Port connection 1 typeInner thread 
Port connection 1 thread typeG 
Port connection 1 thread marking1/4 
Port connection 2 typeInner thread 
Port connection 2 thread typeG 
Port connection 2 thread marking1/4 
Port connection 3 typeInner thread 
Port connection 3 thread typeG 
Port connection 3 thread marking1/4 
Valve seat materialPVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride) 
Seat seal material categoryElastomer 
Seat seal materialFKM (Fluor rubber) 
Seat seal material Shore hardness70 
Sealing toward outside materialFKM (Fluor rubber) 
Temperature environment max55°C
Temperature medium min0°C
Temperature medium max80°C
Temperature surface max150°C
Voltage / rated voltage230V
Voltage / rated voltage230V
Voltage tolerance negative10%
Voltage tolerance positive10%
Voltage frequency50Hz
AC voltageYes 
DC voltageNo 
Battery voltageNo 
Rated power consumption8W
inrush power consumption AC30V·A
Rated power AC15V·A
Electrical connection sortPlug pattern form A according to DIN EN 175301-803 
Electrical connection number of contacts2 + Grounding conductor 
Cable plug in deliveryenclosed 
Cable plug art. no. - type00132445 - 2508 
Electrical connection positiontop 
Electrical connection polarityIrrelevant 
Electrical connection materialBrass 
Protection type (IP max. with suitable connector)65 
Coil typeblock bolted 
Coil insulation material category (encasement)Plastics 
Coil insulation material (encasement)Epoxy 
Coil wiring overvoltage protectionwithout 
Coil wiring rectifierNo 
Coil wiring polarity protectionNo 
Coil wiring polarity recovery diodeNo 
Thermal insulation class of the actuatorH 
Nominal operation/Duty cycle40%
Switch time open min8ms
Switch time open max.15ms
Switch time close min8ms
Switch time close max.15ms
Valve setting opening timeNo 
Valve setting closing timeNo 
Back-pressure-resistant versionNo 
Vacuum versionNo 
Analysis versionNo 
Oil burner valveNo 
Steam versionNo 
Low-noise versionNo 
Main valve with integrated screenNo 
Installation length56mm
Without mountingNo 
Mounting typePlastic-cutting screws 
Valve constructionValve complete 

burkert 0124 C 00019078寶德電磁閥19078簡單介紹:

burkert 0124電磁閥直動式介質隔離電磁閥,zui大通徑 DN 5
burkert 0124 C 4.0 防震線圈
BURKERT 00019078手動開關結構堅固、使用方便

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